Los Alamitos Area
Chamber of Commerce

Empowering local businesses and strengthening our community.

Connecting, Growing, and Thriving Together

We provide educational, motivational, and promotional resources to support our members in growing their businesses. The Chamber actively promotes member engagement, understanding that involvement increases local visibility and fosters valuable networking opportunities. When you join the Chamber, you’ll be welcomed into a community ready to support your success and encourage your active participation.

Attend monthly networking breakfasts, quarterly mixers, holiday events, and more.

March Member of the Month

Friends of the Los Alamitos/Rossmoor Library

The first Friends of the Library was formed in 1961 and was made up of local residents.  The purpose was then and is still to support the local library’s needs be it furniture, books, special materials for children’s and adult programs or equipment.
In 1988 the FOL requested the construction of a Bookstore adjacent to the Library for a bookstore.  They committed $5,000. In January 1991 the Opening Ceremony took place. Since then the Friends have supported the Los Alamitos/Rossmoor Library with thousands of dollars to provide Summer Reading programs, Read with a Dog and other special programs through out the year.
Come in and see the new bookstore inside the library, join the Friends of the Library so we can continue to make this the Best Little Bookstore in Orange County!

A Special Thanks to Our Sponsors

Hero Luncheon Sponsors

March Breakfast Sponsor