The Los Alamitos Chamber of Commerce is composed of businesses, merchants, and organizations located in and around the Los Alamitos area of Orange County, California.
Our Chamber’s mission is to promote, sustain and grow businesses in our community and to enhance the quality of life in the Los Alamitos community.
We do this by raising awareness of our business community and members though our community events, ribbon cuttings, mixers, and recognition events.
Someone once said, “Chambers do the things most people think just happen.”
Those of us involved in the Chamber know that to be true.
While there is little any of us can directly do about the national economy, our local micro-economy is a completely different story.
Our Chamber makes a huge difference at the local level because local economies are the backbone of our country as they build strong communities.
Our Chamber of Commerce connects local businesses with each other to create a stronger network. This helps businesses to create and sustain jobs, strengthen the City of Los Alamitos, and drive change.
From providing programs that help our business members grow, to taking the lead on key community initiatives, our Chamber is engaged and growing.
Now is best time ever to be a Chamber member.